Area Events < U-Pick at West Valley U-Pick
Press your own Apple Cider on our Old-Fashioned Hand-Cranked cider presses! Pre-picked Jonagold and organic Honeycrisp Apples are only $1/lb. for cider, or just $25 for a box! We're starting to wind down for this season, but there is still time to pick your fill of organic blueberries, tomatoes, grapes, and to stock up on raw local honey! Apples (prepicked only) $25/box (~22lbs), $1/lb. cider apples. Blueberries $3.25/lb., >5 lbs. $3/lb., pre-picked $5.25/lb. Pears $1.25/lb., >20 lbs. $1/lb. - Grapes $3.25/lb., >10 lbs. $3/lb. Tomatoes $1.50/lb., >20 lbs. $1.10/lb. Tomatillos $1.50/lb., >20 lbs. $1.10/lb. Raw Local Honey $9/jar - $25/jar.
Regular Summer Hours: Thursday - Saturday: 9am to 7pm & Sunday: 10:30am to 3:30pm.
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